
Featured Artist: Suze Bienaimee

Please scroll down to see the paintings:

Light/Now, 48 x 18”H, Tobu Collection, Sapporo, Japan  Artist: Suze Bienaimee


Silence, #126, 42” Round Tondo, Private Collection. Artist: Suze Bienaimee.
Peace, #126, 42” Round Tondo, Private Collection  Artist: Suze Bienaimee


Dream, 56 x 42”H, Private Collection. Artist: Suze Bienaimee.
Dream, 56 x 42”H, Private Collection  Artist: Suze Bienaimee


Light Everyone, 94 x 42”H, 3-panel, 125 High Street Lobby, Boston Massachusetts. Artist: Suze Bienaimee.
Light/Everyone, 94 x 42”H, 3-panel, 125 High Street Lobby, Boston Massachusetts
Artist: Suze Bienaimee


Light/Dark, 96 x 48”H, 2-panel, Private Collection, England  Artist: Suze Bienaimee


Please read the conversations with Suze Bienaimee on StudioSeeds.comThey are to explore inspiration — the seeds of creativity. She wants to know what inspires artists, poets, environmentalists, scientists, doctors, historians, collectors, philosophers, geeks — people! What inspires you? Interested? Please send her an email at Suze (You will need to remove the spaces before using the email address.)

You can also connect on, on Twitter @StudioSeeds and Instagram @StudioSeeds_Inspire.

Suze Bienaimee, Artist: Painting, Poetry, Pushcart Prize Nominee, Photography, Sculpture, Video, Mixed-media, Creative Founder of, @StudioSeeds on Twitter, @StudioSeeds_Inspire on Instagram

The purpose of is to present artists’ work free from chaos and clutter — fine art for inspiration, questioning, wonder…


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